Adhesions: The Basics

Adhesions are fibrous bands between tissues and organs, often a result of injury during surgery. They are also analyzed as internal scar tissue bonding tissues atypically fastened.

Regions of the Body Impacted

  • Adhesive capsulitis:

Adhesions that grow in the shoulder (also known as frozen shoulder), between the shoulder joint surfaces, restricting motion

  • ŸAbdominal adhesions or intra-abdominal adhesions:

Generally form after abdominal surgical procedures. It starts hours after surgery and may cause internal organs to attach to the surgical site or to other organs in the abdominal cavity

  • Ÿ  Pelvic adhesions:

This is a form of abdominal adhesions, in the pelvis. Typically affecting a woman’s reproductive organs and can disrupt reproduction because of chronic pelvic pain

  • Ÿ  Pericardial adhesions:

An adhesion forming after cardiac surgery between the heart and the sternum. The heart at risk of catastrophic injury during re-entry for a subsequent surgery

  • Ÿ  Peridural adhesions:

Adhesions and scarring in the epidural fibrosis (spinal related), may occur after spinal surgery restricting movement of nerve roots, causing tethering and leading to pain

  • Ÿ  Peritendinous adhesions:

Adhesions and scarring around tendons growing after hand surgery, that restrict the gliding of tendons in their sheaths and compromise digital mobility

Causals of Adhesion

Disease generally causes adhesions, like colon inflammation, appendicitis, gallbladder inflammation, and pelvic inflammatory disease (primarily caused by sexually transmitted disease). Potent diseases results in unhealthier adhesions.

Surgery is also a causal. The kind of surgery affects whether an adhesion forms. Although any surgery cause adhesions, they are more likely after traditional (open) operations instead of minimally invasive procedures or laparoscopy. Minimally invasive surgery may result in less tissue damage, because of a smaller incision also a camera is used to view internal organs and the abdominal cavity. Some patients are more likely than others to have adhesions because of genetics. Some surgical products may prevent further adhesion aggravation, if surgery is impending consult with the surgeon about surgical products.

Adhesion complexities are infertility and pregnancy complications, bowel obstruction, and aches particularly in the abdomen or pelvis because of fixed misaligned organs. Diagnosing and treating adhesions with surgery can only confirm the presence and location of adhesions. Pregnancy complications can ensue minimally invasive surgery. Adhesions is a detrimental condition necessitating the patient to constantly be updated with treatment.

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