
The hamstring which is located below the gluteus maximus and attached to the tibia this muscle is comprised of three muscles biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. During physical exercises like running, football, basketball and even skating may stretch the hamstring too far causing a hamstring sprain in severe cases the muscle may begin to tear. The symptoms of a hamstring strain...

Treatment for hamstring strains

Luckily, minor to moderate hamstring strains usually heal on their own. You just need to give them some time. To speed the healing: Rest the leg. Avoid putting weight on the leg. If the pain is severe, the patient may need crutches until it goes away. Ice the leg to reduce pain and swelling. Do it for 20-30 minutes every three to four hours for two to three days, or until the pain is gone. Compress...

Treatment for hamstring strains

Luckily, minor to moderate hamstring strains usually heal on their own. You just need to give them some time. To speed the healing: Rest the leg. Avoid putting weight on the leg. If the pain is severe, the patient may need crutches until it goes away. Ice the leg to reduce pain and swelling. Do it for 20-30 minutes every three to four hours for two to three days, or until the pain is gone. Compress...

Torn hamstring healing time

Torn hamstring healing time depends on the severity when there is a full tear the hamstring rolls all the way up the leg and it's severely painful worse than like breaking a bone those usually take around 3-6 months depending on how bad it is and how quickly the body recovers. A pulled hamstring takes 4-6 weeks. Patients are advised to stretch it during that time period, at the start it will be...

Hamstring treatment

The hamstring which is located below the gluteus maximus and attached to the tibia this muscle is comprised of three muscles biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. During physical exercises like running, football, basketball and even skating may stretch the hamstring too far causing a hamstring sprain in severe cases the muscle may begin to tear. The symptoms of a hamstring strain...

How To Treat A Pulled Hamstring | First Aid Tips

After pulling a hamstring, the quickest way to relieve pain is to apply ice or cold packs to the muscle region, and wrap the damaged area with an elastic bandage. Promote healing for hamstring pulls with tips from a street firefighter in this free video on first aid and medical treatments. Expert: Joe Bruni Contact: [email protected] Bio: Captain Joe Bruni has over three decades of experience...

What Is A Pulled Hamstring? | Pulling A Hamstring

Learn what a pulled hamstring is in this visual depiction of what occurs in the body when you injured  your hamstring. Watch as muscle tears in this animation put together by About.com.  Learn more about hamstring injury treatment.

Pulling Your Hamstring During A Sprint

Watch as this sprinter grabs his right hamstring at the end of a 55M race. Anyone who has torn or pulled a hamstring knows how painful this can be. Worse yet if not treated correctly on the first occurrence, it can lead to lingering problems that can turn into a chronic hamstring injury. Rest and ice are not the best answer to speed recovery and prevent scar tissue from forming. Learn about...

Sports Massage For Hamstring Injuries

Hamstring injuries are common in runners and track athletes. Learn how to do sports massage therapy for pulled hamstrings in this massage video lesson for massage therapists and athletes.  Visit hamstring pull prevention to learn other things you can do to prevent a pulled hamstring.

Pulled Hamstring Bruising

This is a real life example what pulled hamstring bruise looks like 4 days after the injury. Bruising, inflammation, and swelling are common after a severe hamstring tear. Learn how to judge the severity of a pulled or strained hamstring.