An upper arm muscle tear is very painful. The specific symptoms felt with a pulled biceps or triceps depends upon the severity of the strain. Typical symptoms of a strained triceps sudden, sharp pain in the upper arm (front – biceps; back – triceps) during exercise usually felt during resistance activities (like lifting weights in a curling motion) and potentially associated by a 'protruding'...

Inflammation or Rupture of the Triceps Tendon

The triceps tendon sits on the back of your upper arm, connecting your triceps muscle to your elbow. Lifting weights that are too heavy means the connective tissue in your arm has to try to make up for this extra weight, putting excess strain on these tendons. This can rupture the triceps tendon or cause inflammation due to overuse, and is an injury most often found in weight lifters and football players. Key...

Preventing Biceps and Triceps Pulls and Strains

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment |Prevention Suffering from a biceps or triceps tear is a reminder of how much your health is worth. It's always easier to take things for granted when there are no issues, but if you've been dealing with an injury for even a few days, it can be a real disruption. Some key principles to follow to assist in full recovery and prevent future muscle pulls. Try...

Pulled Bicep or Triceps Treatment

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention When you tear your biceps or triceps, you immediately discover how much you rely on these muscles to carry on normally throughout the day. Thankfully, you don’t have to endure the pain and hardship for too long. Here are some recovery recommendations: The most commonly accepted approach to treatment is the RICE technique (Rest, Ice, Compress,...

Severity of Torn Bicep or Triceps

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention You can read a general article on assessing the severity of a muscle pull, or read on for specifics regarding a biceps or triceps pull. Your pulled arm muscles will be assigned a grade based on the following: tightness in the front of the upper arm (biceps) or back of the upper arm (triceps) ability to flex and extend you arm at the...

Torn Bicep or Triceps Symptoms

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention An upper arm muscle tear can be quite painful. The specific symptoms you’ll experience with a pulled biceps or triceps depends upon the severity of the strain. Common symptoms of a strained biceps or triceps include: sudden, sharp pain in the upper arm (front – biceps; back – triceps) during exercise - most usually felt resistance...