A pulled muscle is a strain in the muscle. A pinched nerve is excess pressure to a nerve by surrounding tissues.

Distinguishing symptoms of a pulled muscle and pinched nerveLegs Crossing Pinched Nerve

  • Ÿ  Dull or sharp-shooting pain

A pulled muscle is usually dull aching pain. Injured muscles aggravate a surprising amount of pain and can become inflamed and spasmed, causing significant stiffness. A pinched nerve feels like sharp-shooting pain coupled with numbness and tingling.

  • Ÿ  Localized or radiating

A pulled muscle is typically in one area coupled with tenderness to the touch, and pain surges immediately when the muscle is flexed. A pinched nerve pain regularly radiates downward the length of the leg, consequentially pain impacts the back, and one or both of the legs.


Pinched Nerve

A pinched nerve is more common than a pulled muscle. A pinched nerve can be induced without strenuous activity. Adopting an awkward position, like crossing your legs for a long duration is the most common reason of pinched nerves.

Initial treatment with the conventional RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) technique can remedy a pulled muscle and pinched nerves. Apply cold and warm therapy (with compression). The pain of a pulled muscle can last for several days, while pinched nerve pain usually dissipates quickly.

When a nerve is impinged, or pinched, more likely pain is felt where nerve bundles traverse, instead of muscle pain solely felt in the muscle itself.

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