Muscle Strain Treatment

Muscle Strain Overview A “pulled” or “strained” muscle is no laughing matter. A muscle strain is a “soft tissue” injury. It is commonly caused by over exertion or strenuous activities of muscle groups that have not been conditioned to exert and withstand the great force(s) that one sometimes finds necessary in life. It hurts, it’s debilitating and it’s costly. Therefore, knowing home...

Pulled Calf Muscle Treatment

A torn calf muscle, like any muscle injury, can be serious business and can range from a simple strain that you can “walk off” to a severe muscle “rupture” requiring surgery to repair. These types of strains generally occur as a result of sudden acceleration without properly stretching or “warming up” of the muscle. These injuries can take a person down almost instantly. First you here...

Torn calf treatment

The calf is comprised of two muscles gastrocnemius which originates from above the knee and soleus which is located below the knee both of these muscles are attached to heel bone via the Achilles tendon. When there is too much force or excessive tension caused by highly repetitive activities causing the muscles to suddenly contract tearing the muscles. A torn calf is graded this allows professionals...

Hamstring injury

The hamstring which is located below the gluteus maximus and attached to the tibia this muscle is comprised of three muscles biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus. During physical exercises like running, football, basketball and even skating may stretch the hamstring too far causing a hamstring sprain in severe cases the muscle may begin to tear.      The symptoms...

Severity of Pulled Calf Muscle

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention Strains are typically graded a level 1, 2, or 3 depending on how severe the injury is. For some general background, read about assessing the severity of any muscle pull. For more calf specifics, read on. To assess your level of calf muscle injury, an expert will speak with you about your pulled calf muscle symptoms, your overall health, and...

Shin Splints Treatment and Therapies

Shin Splints Treatment
Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention When you first experience shin splints, it feels as if you may never be able to run again. And, when the pain just seems to worsen with each run, it’s easy to get discouraged. But, take heart - you can recover stronger and better than ever. Being pain-free is a reality. Let’s take a look at what you can do to return to full strength. Right...

Hamstring Injury Essentials

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention If you believe you may have a hamstring injury and are unsure of the severity or what to expect, you can find more information on symptoms related to a pulled hamstring. Check out our other page for more details: A tear in any of these muscles is considered a hamstring pull. A hamstring injury can not only be painful, but requires hamstring...

Pulled Groin Essentials

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention   A groin pull, or groin strain, is a partial tear of the small fibers the make up your adductor muscles. The adductors are a group of three muscles that are located on the upper, inner thigh. They stretch from the groin down the thigh to the inside of your knee. Your adduct muscles are responsible for pulling your legs together. Because...

Torn calf muscle

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention A calf strain, or a pulled calf muscle, occurs when there is a partial tear in one or more of the small fibers that make up your calf muscle. The calf muscles are a group of two muscles, gastrocnemius or soleus, located in the back of your lower leg that stretch from your knee to your Achilles tendon – a muscle tear in either of...

Calf Strain Symptoms

Overview | Symptoms | Severity | Treatment | Prevention The specific symptoms you’ll experience with a pulled calf muscle depend upon the severity of the muscle strain. They are typically painful and potentially nagging, because you involve your calf with every step. Common pulled calf muscle symptoms include: sudden, sharp pain in the lower leg during exercise - most usually felt during...