Torn calf treatment

The calf is comprised of two muscles gastrocnemius which originates from above the knee and soleus which is located below the knee both of these muscles are attached to heel bone via the Achilles tendon. When there is too much force or excessive tension caused by highly repetitive activities causing the muscles to suddenly contract tearing the muscles.

A torn calf is graded this allows professionals to gage the severity of the injury.  These grades are as follows:

  • Grade 1 tear: Is a small injury meaning that only a few muscle fibers have been torn and will not hinder normal function.
  • Grade 2 tear: Is a moderate injury meaning that there is significant damage to the muscle fiber this may lead to limited movement.
  • Grade 3 tear: Is a major injury meaning there has been severe damage to the muscle fibers this will cause major loss of function.

These injuries are likely to happen during sports such as tennis, badminton and football.  When the injury occurs the patient will feel a sudden pain or a pulling sensation in the calf muscle.  In severe cases the patient will severe pain and may be unable to carry out any physical activities.

Torn Calf treatment is relatively simple:

  • Rest, rest is always important to allow the injury to heal.
  • Stretching may help the healing process however patients are advised not to stretch to much as it can have an opposite affect slowing down the healing process.
  • Ice, Ice is always used to reduce inflammation this should be applied in the first forty-eight hours.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication is a simple torn calf treatment it can be used to help reduce pain and swelling.
  • Physical therapy to allow the leg to regain its normal function through gentle exercise.

Many prevention methods can put in place to prevent a torn calf for example some professionals suggest you should not run on uneven surfaces, make sure warm ups are carried on correctly and changing shoes when necessary

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