Ultrasound Treatment for Muscle Strain

Ultrasound stimulates the tissue beneath the skin’s surface with high frequency sound waves. Conditions regularly treated with ultrasound are

  • muscle strains
  • tendonitis, joint inflammation
  • rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis
  • and scar tissue adhesion

The three primary benefits of ultrasound, firstly is healing circulation of blood flow in the muscle strain. The second is decrease pain, swelling and inflammation. The third is the massage of muscles tendons and/or ligaments, and reduce any scar tissue damage.

A benefit of ultrasound therapy is expediting the healing time of soft tissue injuries. It can help circulation improve blood flow for an acute phase of muscle tissue injury. Ultrasound is not advised to use immediately after injury.

An ultrasound can stimulate the production of more collagen- a primary protein component in soft tissue like tendons and ligaments. Ultrasound may accelerate the tissue self-healing process. It can extend a mature collagen to heal fibrous scar tissue damage.

Ultrasonic waves (sound waves of a high frequency) produce a mechanical vibration of the metal treatment, head of the ultrasound machine. The head is over the surface of the skin of the injury region.

As ultrasound is for tissue repair, and treating diseased tissue with growth deformity. The compression with ultrasound can circulate malignancies around the body. Therefore a patient should reconsider ultrasound therapy for the following reasons

  • malignant or cancerous tissue
  • acute infections
  • risk of haemorrhage
  • severely ischeamic tissue
  • recent venous thrombosis
  • exposed neural tissue
  • suspicion of a bone fracture
  • pregnancy
  • do not use in the region of the gonads (sex organs), the active bone growth plates of children, or the eye

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