A minor biceps muscle tear causes soreness, tenderness and some swelling.
Swollen biceps, need icing therapy to help reduce the inflammation. Wrap an icepack in a towel and apply it to the injured area until numb. For a severe tear apply an ice bag directly on the injury until it becomes numb. You can re-ice the injury when the skin is at room temperature. Icing the first 48 hours after injury for 15 minutes, every two hours helps swelling and inflammation. Regaining muscle flexibility and range-of-motion (ROM) with exercises is contingent how fast swelling and inflammation are stabilized.
Initial treatment is the conventional RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) treatment to help swelling and inflammation. Elevation and rest is as crucial as icing and compression, because it helps reduce inflammation and improves circulation. Moderate bruising and swelling most likely is a grade two bicep muscle strain. A partial tear.
A muscle tear is graded one to three, and is either a partial or complete tear.
- Grade one is minor strain with soreness, swelling, but no loss of mobility
- Grade two is a partial tear and more profound swelling and bruising. Usually more broken blood vessels in biceps causing darker discoloration
- Grade three is a complete tear with no mobility, and severe pain when moving, also injury is tender to the touch
A severe muscle tear regularly needs surgery for muscle repair and post-surgery analysis to customize physiotherapy rehab. Immediately after there is no pain attempt ROM exercises to help regain flexibility and restore muscle strength.