What to do for Calf Pain

The calf muscle is

  • Ÿ  two gastrocnemius muscles (medial and lateral)
  • Ÿ  and the soleus muscle
  • Ÿ  another smaller muscle, called the plantaris muscle, is also in the calf

The most common causes of calf pain are circulation problems and knee joint problems.

Initial treatment also considered a home remedy, is the conventional RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) technique. Rest is the foremost treatment for calf muscle pain, and it helps acute inflammation to subside. Some strains only need rest.

Ice and heat therapy is very helpful for calf pain. The contrast helps muscle flexibility and keep the muscle supple. Stretching the muscles and tendons helps with minor calf pain. A strengthening and stretching routine should be done before and after activity. Physiotherapy is vital for orthopedic conditions. Physical therapists help with increased strength and recuperating mobility.

Warming up prior to sports helps maintain the muscle supple and to prevent injuries.

Range-of-motion (ROM) stretching exercises. When acute pain is gone, begin stretching the muscle moderately with passive ROM. Gently pull your foot and toes up with legs straight if possible to stretch the calf muscle. Hold for 10 seconds and repeat five to 10 times.

Progressive calf stretch exercises are helpful for strengthening.

Progressive strengthening exercises. Start with exercise tubing or a band and hook it under your toes and press down gently using light resistance. Point your foot downward against resistance, then slowly return to the start position. Do 10 reps, rest and repeat five to 10 times.

Use a foam roller. Gentle self-massage with a foam roller throughout rehabilitation helps reduce scar tissue formation and improve blood flow to the area.

Achilles tendon strengthening helps prevent related lower leg injuries.

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