Treatment For Pulled Calf Muscle

The calf muscle is 2 muscles. The gastrocnemius is a bigger, elevated muscle and the soleus is beneath it. Both muscles are prone to hyper-stretching if this transpires, then muscle fibers will tear and a pulled muscle occurs. No matter which muscle is torn or the causal of damage, the treatment is the same.

In the outset of a calf muscle pull always ice it to assuage the swelling. Then elevate the calf to abate inordinate swelling. 2 days afterward, damp heat can be administered or varied with cold therapy to galvanize mitigation.

Don’t over-exert a pulled calf muscle during recuperation. Abrupt movement like propulsion or elevating the toes should be averted. Rest is vital yet inactivity doesn’t expedite recovery, so gently walk and splay your toes and feet to upsurge blood circulation. Immediately stop whenever you feel pain when moderately working-out.

Swathing a pulled calf muscle with a flexible bandage reduces pain and secures the pulled calf muscle from worsening throughout recovery. Don’t over-swaddle the calf muscle and slacken it if the foot is benumbed.

Moderately stretching a pulled calf muscle does assist the recovery routine. When there are partially torn muscle fibers then others will be overwhelmed. The healthy calf muscle fibers may harden and be overwhelmed, so stretching helps them from tautness or worse injury. Angle toward a wall with one leg in front of the other to stretch the calf muscle. Assure you feel the elasticity when working-out, but do it delicately and don’t outstretch it. You shouldn’t feel discomfort.

Support the calf muscle by inserting heel pads or cups inside your shoes. So the calf isn’t outstretched and they assist the muscle pull to recover. Wear sports shoes because they’re usually elevated and bolstered for a comfortable fit.

Anti-inflammatory medicine like ibuprofen can abate the swelling, that prolongs the recovery process. It benumbs the pain of a pulled calf muscle. Corroborate that your body can handle the medication.

If this condition protracts and worsens, immediately visit a physiotherapist or sports medicine physician.

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